[I was asked to make this comment into a standalone post. I hope you find it interesting or useful.]

You're right.

The difference between a movement and an ideology is that a movement has specific goals.

Feminism achieved its goals sometime in the 1970s: abortion rights, equal pay for equal work, equal opportunity in education and work.

The feminist movement should have disbanded at that point, but instead it morphed into the ideology of feminism.

The ideology has no specific goals, so nothing will ever be enough. That's why "feminism is about equality" is such total nonsense: feminism doesn't stop when women reach equality in a specific area. It never has, not even once, and it never will.

For example:

  • Women are now 60% of university students. Feminists still demand women-only scholarships and bitterly oppose men-only scholarships. Feminists demand "women in STEM"-type programs to assist women but oppose any programs to help male students succeed as "supporting the patriarchy". Feminists demand funding for feminist organisations on campus but demand that all men's groups be banned from campus unless they bend the knee to feminism and operate under the umbrella of feminism.
  • Men receive sentences 63% longer than women who commit the same crimes with a similar criminal history. But feminists aren't trying to close that particular gender gap to achieve equality. Instead they're trying to widen it to infinity, by arguing that women criminals should never go to prison. And, frighteningly, they're having some success with that argument.

There is not one situation where feminism has pursued actual equality, when that didn't involve gaining more privileges and benefits for women.

It is the gaining of more privileges and benefits for women that is the real, and sole, objective of feminism. Any progress towards equality that is produced in pursuit of that objective in some contexts is entirely coincidental, as is the drift away from equality that more often results in other contexts.

Feminism is an ideology that's very dangerous because feminists exploit society's innate gynocentrism. Too many of our political leaders are inclined to take the easy, conflict-free route of giving them whatever they demand.

Feminists always want more and they will always want more. Their ideology is unmoored from the facts; feminists are indoctrinated to believe that women are oppressed, downtrodden, exploited and held back in every area, even though the facts clearly show the opposite.

Feminism is like the hatred embodied by the KKK, combined with the indoctrination and denial of reality that you see in cults like the Moonies or Scientology.