Over the past day I've seen article after article show up in my inbox as a result of being posted to the /r/Gaming thread I made. I've seen twitter quotes that seem extremely misleading, and many who comment on the issue take it out of context to the point of battling strawmen.

First we have the center of the news, Zoe Quinn. She firmly claims that her private life is the concern of no one but herself, that she is being attacked for infidelity. Not for improper relationships with journalists, that were never disclosed to readers. Nor did those journalists recuse themselves from reporting on her. Who she sleeps with is important in a professional context, as much as who she gives money to in a professional context. If she had spent $10,000 flying a journalist out to spend time with her on a luxurious vacation, the same outrage would be had. And yet it continues to be framed as a private matter.

Youtube videos discussing the issue are taken down using DMCA, evidently by Zoe Quinn. One of the first and few websites to write an article about this, GamesNosh, has their entire website taken offline by their host for fear of the backlash if they allowed it to stay up.

Next we have TotalBiscuit, one of the first notable people to publicly comment on this issue at length. Before TotalBiscuit spoke up, every single mention of this issue was being deleted across the internet. Only with his voice did even the slightest amount of attention on this issue warrant submission. This seems to be because attempting to censor TotalBiscuit of all people has ended very, very poorly for a number of individuals in the past, and he is fairly well respected in the gaming community. It didn't take long for the hordes to lash out at him for misogyny, attributing videos he didn't make to him and all manners of foulness.

TotalBiscuit, for discussing this issue at all and not self-censoring, experienced a taste of what will happen to anyone else who speaks up on topics like this and attempts to break the manufactured narratives.

One developer mentioned that he had been a victim of sexual harassment by Zoe at a wedding via twitter. Someone who didn't have the same sort of respect, following or press power that TotalBiscuit has. Phil Fish immediately descended on him, shunning that person from his group of friends and unleashing his followers upon that person. Phil Fish spent a good portion of the day attempting to rally effort behind Zoe, completely ignoring the journalistic ethics concerns.

Another developer privately admits having to self-censor their Facebook page in order to avoid having their career ruined by the social justice movement. https://i.imgur.com/5ncHHVl.jpg

Anita Sarkeesian leaps in and backs Zoe, mocking all who would raise concern about the issue as sexist harassers. Her followers are unleashed believing this narrative.

Vice's Motherboard frames the narrative as an 'Anti-Feminist Internet' crusade against a woman who was being abused by a boyfriend who sought to shame her for her infidelity. The unifying message that this is simply about a woman having sex, not who a professional has sex with in a professional context, is bordering on creepy. None of these people are willing to admit there may be some journalistic ethics concerns here. The attempts at burying anyone who would claim otherwise as misogynists are everywhere.

Forums across the internet lock or delete topics as they arise, apparently in fear of harboring MRA / anti-feminist discussion. /r/Gaming winds up with a heavily censored topic, which links to a TotalBiscuit post condemning censorship. Moderators across reddit shut down everything even remotely relating to the subject as best they can to quell potential witch hunts, despite the focus being a journalistic one.

There are countless other incidents all across tumblr, twitter, 4chan and elsewhere with clashing narratives, Journalism vs Misogyny, Ethics vs Anti-Feminists Slut Shamers.

Is this what is to be expected from journalism in the future? People desperately trying to keep their heads low when negative news breaks about individuals who happen to be feminist icons? The issue will be misrepresented, you will be shunned, you will be harassed, you will be slandered, your criticism will be removed or your site outright deleted in fear of powerful figures within the social justice movement and their loyal followers. That seems like a dark road for journalism to go down if they start kneeling to anyone who could crush them under accusations of misogyny.