I think most of us accept that there is a problem with false negatives and sexual assault. It's a fact that some guilty men escape consequences. Unfortunately we are the only people who believe there is also problem with false positives.

We are all desperate for men to receive due and fair process, I think most of us agree accusers are entitled to the same.

Today's hearing was not that, it was a waste of time. It brought us no closer to truth. It wasn't especially fair to the accuser or to the accused. He is entitled to a defense, but as Americans we are entitled to as much of the truth as we can feasibly learn. You can decide for yourself if he should be seated or not, but you are entitled to make the most informed decision possible.

I am afraid we are going to hear about this hearing for years. When we point out a real failure in process for a man, this hearing is going to be the counterpoint. That the system is rigged in favor of men, that the system is hostile and dismissive of women. There is an assumption for many Americans that justice is a zero sum game, that giving process to the accused will take something away from the accuser.

This is not the case. Justice is a zero sum game. Taking justice away from one group & giving it to another is a terrible moral compromise, and worse its unnecessary. The truth is the system is so broken, that if we fix it it will be better for everyone. Fewer false negatives and fewer false positives.

What we have now is the worst of both worlds

Today was not good for women.

Today was not good for men.

This post should have been in front of this whole discussion. We need to be the one's to figure out a workable path forward, because no one else is going to.