It would be great if we could just focus mainly on our issues and think of ways to actually get things done. I see many posts on here just ranting about feminism and how it's causing problems for society instead of coming up with actual ways to get our issues seen and understood. Part of the reason people are against the MRM it's seen as anti-woman because somehow in the hive mind of society being anti-feminist equates to anti-woman

If we just focused mostly on the issues and not always who might be to blame we might be able to get more listening to us. Just a thought.

EDIT: I'm not saying feminism hasn't caused problems when it comes to us. I'm saying instead of just ranting about who's causing our issues we work on providing evidence. Right now both sides look like they are siblings fighting to prove to a parent who is doing the most harm instead of actually trying to fix it.

Just to let most know I have known what it's like to have my problems dismissed. I've been raped and told that because I am male that's impossible, had a gun aimed at my head, been in a place being shot up, had a machete pulled on me, been beaten by multiple people FMJ style, had a grandmother who was handsy and was justified by others, had a mother who took photos of me in the bath around 5 or 6, been abused (emotionally, financially and physically) and much more yet society put the blame on me for most of that.

I fight for boys and intersex children to have the same equal protections that girls have when it comes to genital cutting. As soon as I explain what my fight is people lose interest.

Of all people see is us blaming feminism our issues won't be listened to as they will just see it as whining and reactionary. We need to rethink how we go about things.