Studies show the % of women (and men) rape victims, but never the % of rapists, leaving it open that huge % of men are rapists. Guess the % -es?
EU-27 Fundamental Rights Agency EU-27 statistics on Rape p.21: 5% EU women have been raped, by x% of men that are rapists (not researched).


14.8% USA Women have been raped, by x% of men that are rapists (not researched).--------

The estimated % of men that are rapists: they are a subsection in the 1%-ers, referring to the 1% of humanity that have an antisocial personality disorder due to an abnormal inner brain leading to narcissism, psychopathy, Machiavellianism, sadism. Rapists are estimated to be 0.17% of humanity.

  1. The prevalence of false reporting by women to have been raped is between 6% ±4%.
  2. +50% rapists are serial criminals.
  3. 90% of rape is 1 rapist, 10% more than 1 rapist. This indicates many rapists can’t find a partner in crime because there are so few.
  4. 0.17% of men are estimated to be rapists, 99.83% of men are normal and would help a woman in need. Unfortunately women believe rather the opposite: that 99% of men are rapists, so in case they find themselves in a dangerous situation, instead of turning to whoever, they run away from those 99.83% of normal men who’s human reflex is to help people and even animals in need, which makes these women to stumble on in the dangerous situation, isolating them which is EXACTLY what these assaulters need and want !