If a woman is expected to fit into sexist gender stereotypes, that's misogyny

If a man is expected to fit into sexist gender stereotypes, that's toxic masculinity

If a woman is expected to be slim and curvy, that's misogyny

If a man is expected to be tall and muscular, that's toxic masculinity

If a woman is expected to do the housework and birth children, that's misogyny

If a man is expected to be the breadwinner, that's toxic masculinity

If a woman is expected to be soft, gentle, sensitive, that's misogyny

If a man is expected to be strong, confident, emotionless, that's toxic masculinity

If someone criticizes a woman because she doesn't fit into the sexist stereotypes, they are being misogynistic

If someone criticizes a man because he doesn't fit into the sexist stereotypes, they are spreading toxic masculinity

People just can't say misandry. They can't accept that men truly can be a victim of something. Saying toxic masculinity puts the blame on men, like even if men are the target, it's still their fault

Feminists also always say it's because of the patriarchy, but they always twist their definition of it to fit into their agenda. First they say it benefits men and oppresses women. But when there is a situation where men are clearly at a disadvantage, they say that the patriarchy is also harmful for men. If men truly had privilege and power over women, why would they create society in a way that's disadvantages them in so many ways?