I realize this isn't exactly a men's rights issue, but I figured those here might enjoy the musing.

So I was driving home the other day, and I saw a Tee-pee in front of a local high school, where an aboriginal guy was taking off his ceremonial head dress with all the feathers and loading it into his minivan.

I don't know why it occurred to me.. (perhaps it's because of all this stupid crap I hear about).. but I was thinking, "What if some person walked up to that guy, or anyone wearing this type of head dress at a public venue (usually a PR event) dressed like a Bird Person and told him that he is appropriating Bird Person culture by wearing feathers and he should stop....

What would the SJWs have to say... who is more marginalized? Someone who identified as another species or a traditionally oppressed minority? It would be HILARIOUS!