Today I want to talk about an experience I had a couple of years ago. First of all, I'm an eighteen year old guy who lives in a small town (very small in fact) and today I was thinking about some things that happened about 2 years ago.
When I was 16 a girl texted me through messenger. This was really werid because I didn't know her. However, I decided to answer her. At first, It was normal but things slowly became more and more weird to me because she started talking about some things that only people around me know.
It's important to mention that I'm a runner and I take a run everyday, but she randomly said to me "I watch you run". To be honest I didn't feel scared It was just weird to know that someone have been watching me.
The weirdest part became when she told me that she knew where I live and she knew members of my family. That really scared me and she replied that she have been watching me from around two years.
Imporant to mention that she was older than me (Around 19 years) and she had really weird detaills to me. Por example, she told me that she liked to draw me, that souldn't be scary, but when she mentioned that she used to draw me naked. That really made feel weird.
At the end, I talked to her and told her that I didn't like her. But we could be friends and I'm surprised that i didn't notice that she was harrasing me until now. I know It might sound silly because I'm a guy. but I'm worried that at the time I was minor and I know that if i do half of the things she did I would be seen as a creep (Rightfully) but i don't know why I'm struggling to see her as that.
That was my story, thanks for reading and, please, forgive my bad english. It's not my native lenguage.
Stay strong :)
[–]LEGIOVIII-Hispana 8 points9 points10 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]mikesteane 7 points8 points9 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]SolanumCerebra10[S] 16 points17 points18 points (0 children) | Copy Link