The title was festive, "Single Women Own More Homes Than Single Men".

The twit announcing this, made sure to cite the misleading "83 cent on the dollar": Single women own and occupy more homes than single men in the U.S., despite earning only about 83 cents for every dollar that men earn, according to a new study.

Not the reasons for the gap and calls for action are then mentioned, as would have been done if the sexes in this title were reversed, but the following: "Here's a look at where the ownership gap is greatest and smallest across the country:"

Female anti-male chauvinism is normative, reporting a severe indicator of discrimination is done by treating it as normative - can you imagine the NY Times reporting this with reversed sexes and regarding it as "nothing special"? What would feminists say? Well - what they would have said, is what they are. Chauvinists. In a chauvinist society. Of female anti-male chauvinism. Men must at some point go on demonstrations and shout: "End feminism! Bring back equality!"

The feminists responding on Twitter under the NY Times twit are proud of themselves. For years and right now, feminists demanded anti-male discrimination calling it "affirmative action", "this only balances", and "equity", always continuing past the equality point - feminists now believe they got this "with a fair chance"?

Here is an explanation regarding this "pay gap" they decided to mention.