I saw this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AreTheStraightsOK/comments/p1p6g1/are_they_fucking_serious/

and the comments under it are quite intense.

Now, I'm not saying that women's lives are all completely easy, but to some extent, men ARE systemically discriminated against because of their gender, I;ll highlight just a few examples:

1) The law.

In almost every country in the world, men are more likely to be jailed, and executed. It's very rare for the number of female prisoners to reach even 10%.

Now this is not sexist in and off itself, as men commit more crimes than women, but men get longer sentences just because of their gender.

Sauce: https://repository.law.umich.edu/law_econ_current/57/

In some countries, there are crimes that only men can commit, such as homosexuality in Turkmenistan and rape in UK.

Men are over 90% of those killed by police

Men are more likely to be stopped by the police

Men also get longer sentences if their victims are female, than if their victims are female

Crimes were rated as more excusable when a woman did it

2) The military

Currently, there are over 60 countries that have mandatory service for men, but only about 6 that have mandatory service for women. And EVEN THEN, concessions are sometimes made for women, and women find it easier to get off it.

Sometimes during conflicts, the soldiers will literally target men to point of killing male babies:

Sauces: https://web.archive.org/web/20150721030744/http://www.gendercide.org/case_anfal.html



3) Jobs

Okay, this one is tricky because women can and sometimes experience sexism in the workplace, which is awful.

This being said, men are over 90% of those who get killed on their jobs.

Boys are also much more likely to be forced into child labor, and are more likely to be put into dangerous work than girls. According to the report by the ILO, " There are 23 million more boys than girls in child labour and 17 million more boys than girls in hazardous work. The gender gap increases with age. The difference in child labour incidence is less than one percentage point for 5–11 year-olds, rising to three percentage points for 12–14 year-olds and to five percentage points for 15–17 yearolds."

4) Violence

One of the reasons I kept seeing in the comment section is that women go through violence and sexual harassment. This is true and it's absolutely disgusting, but women are LESS likely to be victims of almost every type of violence


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homicide_statistics_by_gender#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20data%20given,to%20be%20killed%20than%20women. Men are more likely to be killed in almost every single country. In the ones where women are killed more, it's because the murder rate is very low, and it's only by a small number that women lead.


Women are less likely to be victims of violent crime than men

Domestic violence

Men and women experience domestic violence at approximately the same rate


Ok, this is really old, but more men are robbed than women https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/rv.pdf


Turns out, men get raped an awful lot, the researcher, Lara Stemple, tries to frame this as bad for women, but oh well.

Additional source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4062022/

Child abuse

More boys than girls are killed as a result of abuse

Views and resources of crimes against men vs women

In the US, there are very few, and zero publicly funded shelters for male DV victims. In the UK, over 90% of spaces are for female DV victims. In Australia, there exist very few shelters for men.

People were more likely to report assault to the police if the victim was a woman

Robbers are less willing to rob women than men

5) Physical health

It's a well known fact that women live longer than men in almost every country of the world: https://www.worldometers.info/demographics/life-expectancy/

Women's health receives far more funding than mens health https://prostate.org.nz/2014/01/men-die-earlier-womens-health-gets-four-times-funding/#:~:text=Breast%20cancer%20received%20%2460%20million,compared%20to%2084.2%20for%20women.

6) Mental health

Men are more likely to commit suicide in almost every country in the world.

Men and boys have more suicidal intent than women and girls

Girls benefit more than boys from suicide prevention methods.

7) Homelessness

70% of homeless people are men https://endhomelessness.org/demographic-data-project-gender-and-individual-homelessness/#:~:text=Sixty%2Dseven%20percent%20of%20all,by%20women%20(29%20percent)).

Many homeless men also experienced DV https://web.archive.org/web/20201123210258/https://equalitycanada.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Public-Version-of-ESDC-Final-Report.pdf

8) Life satisfaction

In almost all countries, women reported a higher life satisfaction than men https://bigi.genderequality.info/#_data

9) Retirement

Retirement age is lower for women in many countries, despite the fact that men literally die younger than women: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retirement_age

This article explains it more: https://menarehuman.com/retirement-age/

10) The economy

Women control or influence 85% of consumer spending, are the majority purchasers of cars, PCs, homes, food etc.


11) Punishments

Boys are FAR more likely to be paddled in schools than girls

12) Empathy

People are more likely to save a woman than a man https://web.archive.org/web/20201012131411/https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/598586139154186270/762369708065423380/The_Moral_Machine_experiment_men_lives_vs_women_lives.pdf

And I could go on and on.

I'm not saying women dont have problems, but to say that the gender that experiences more violent crime, commits suicide more, is more likely to be homeless, is more likely to get to jail, is more likely to be executed, is more likely to be sentenced to life imprisonment, gets longer sentences for the same crime, is more likely to die on the job, works more hours, has almost no domestic violence or rape resources, lives shorter lives, gets less health care funding, causes MUCH less consumer spending, and literally reports lower levels of life satisfaction is the one that has it EASY? Come on!