I remember this particular one. One night i was out, drinking at a terrace with some people and multiple times i went inside to take more drinks or to go to the bathroom. If u wanted to go inside of the bar u had to go up some stairs, quite big ones i would say. Thing is, men always let me go and after that i thank them, everything cool and civilised. But this woman, around 22-23, saw me very decided in my body language that i want to go up the stairs and when i went through the door she said to me in a sarcastic tone: ''what a gentleman''. If i go up the stairs isn't it a unwritten law that u have to let the ones that climb the stairs if u want to get down ? Why did i offend her? I didn't say anything but i saw her moving tables to sit with some 30+ older man after the event, probably gossiping about me. Did she have expectations from me or what? In my mind i didn't owe that person anything.
[–]nooneinteresting-1 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link