So, bit of background: my parents are separated, getting divorced (mom cheated on my dad, was (at least mildly) abusive towards him (psychologically), etc., and then decided to call it quits to try to pursue the dude she cheated with (who is also married)). Mom has consistently talked down about my dad in front of (or to) us kids for years, so I kind of expect it at this point.

Something else that's very important: my dad, for all his faults, is the sweetest man you'll ever meet. He's incredibly sensitive, probably on the autism spectrum, and definitely has ADHD. I love him to death, and it frustrates me that he's been through everything that he has.

My mom, sister and I were walking this afternoon, and somehow or other my dad came up in the conversation. Now, he has his faults, but again, he's such an amazing man, and most of his faults are due largely to his mental disabilities (mild, but still there). One of the things that my sister brought up was something that my dad does when he gets upset or overstimulated: his voice raises in pitch, he becomes visibly agitated, and he states that he can't deal with whatever it is at the moment. Quite a vulnerable state, and my dad isn't afraid to show it.

My mom and sister were laughing at him (that is, at the fact that he reacts that way) and disparaging him over that. They were talking about it as though he were some sort of privileged toddler throwing a tantrum.

Now, it's bad enough that they're outright insulting the greatest man I've ever known, but what upset me even more is that I am also on the autism spectrum, and so is my sister. I know what it is to be overstimulated and have a meltdown (and no, it isn't a tantrum; they're different things, with different causes and motivations), and so does my sister. Worse yet, my mom is a special education teacher, and has been for thirty years. She openly advocates for sympathy for folks on the spectrum, and - just like many other women I've known - always says that men should be able to express their emotions.

I've never wanted to curse two people out more in my entire life - and I detest foul language! I love all my family, no matter what they do, but this was just such disgusting behavior that I couldn't stomach it.

Preemptively: I didn't speak up because it wouldn't have made a difference. I did begin to walk double speed to separate myself from the conversation before I did something stupid.