According to the CDC, about 20% of women will be sexually assaulted or raped in their lifetime. The problem with this number is that the CDC study had a low response rate (which means rape/sexual assault victims might be more likely to respond), the phrasing of the questions perhaps lead to women who were only somewhat drunk (but not incapacitated) during consensual sexual activity saying yes. The CDC doesn't say the word "rape" because many rape victims question or deny whether what happened to them was rape or not. BJS NCVS uses words like rape or sexual assault (along with "unwanted sexual attack", so any woman who experienced actual sexual assault might answer affirmatively even if they questions or denies whether she was raped or not. Sometimes they count sexual assault victims in the 20% if they admit to forced kissing or groping. College rape surveys found 1 in 5 college women are raped on campus but they had similar or identical limitations.

Number and rate of violent victimizations, by type of crime, 2015-2019

Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Type of crime Rate per 1,000 age 12+ Rate per 1,000 age 12+ Rate per 1,000 age 12+ Rate per 1,000 age 12+ Rate per 1,000 age 12+
Rape/sexual assault 1.6 1.1 1.4 2.7 1.7
Robbery 2.1 1.7 2.3 2.1 1.9
Aggravated assault 3 3.8 3.6 3.8 3.7
Burglary 15.3 16.5 13.7 15 11.7
Motor-vehicle theft 4.3 4.6 4.2 4.3 3.9

Even in previous decades, the annual rates showed these crimes being more common than rape/sexual assault.

Number and rate of violent victimizations, by type of crime, 1994

Type of crime Rate per 1,000 age 12+
Rape/sexual assault 2 (1.5 when you remove sexual assault)
Robbery 6.1
Aggravated assault 11.6
Household burglary 54.4
Motor vehicle theft 17.5

We don't have 1 or 2 million women being raped each year unlike what feminists say, it's a few hundred thousand (slightly above or slightly below 400,000, to be precise). Sometimes, however, a million people are victimized by aggravated assault in a year. When you exclude sexual assault, the number of rape victims is somewhat lower. For example, 433,000 people were victims of any rape/sexual assault in 1994, but remove sexual assault and restrict it to rape/attempted rape, and it's 316,000 people in 1994 being victims of attempted/completed rape. In 1994, there were over a million robberies, almost 2.5 million aggravated assaults, almost 5.5 million household burglaries, and 1.1 million completed motor vehicle thefts.

In 1987, Bureau of Justice Statistics analyst Herbert Koppel wanted to estimate the lifetime likelihood of victimization of each type of crime (to know how many people will be a victim of a certain crime in their lifetime). He used annual rates to calculate it. Just remember this is only an estimate, but it's more reliable than CDC's sexual assault/rape surveys, etc. This data is from 1987, and crime rates were higher back then, but it shows how many other types of violent crimes happen more often than rape/sexual assault.

According to Koppel's data, 37% of men and 22% of women will be robbed in their lifetime, 19% of people will be victims of motor vehicle theft in their lifetime, and 72% of households will be burglarized. These percentages probably are lower today, given that this was the 1980s when crime was more common. He estimated that only 8% of women will be raped in their lifetime, including 8% of white women and 11% of black women. In a BJS study of college-age women, they found that women ages 18-24 (college-age women) who are NOT enrolled in college are more likely to be raped than ones who are enrolled in college. The studies had found that 18-24 year olds NOT enrolled in college are more likely to be victims of all violent crimes in general, and that both college students and non-college students that age were more likely to be victims of robbery, aggravated assault and simple assault than rape/sexual assault (although in 2002, college students admittedly were a little less likely to be robbed than raped whereas non-college students were much more likely to be robbed than raped). Men ages 18-24 enrolled in college are found to be much more likely to be raped/sexually assaulted than men ages 18-24 who are NOT enrolled in college. BJS found that in the early 2010s, just 1 in 52.6 women ages 18-24 enrolled in college were raped/sexually assaulted. This is 1.9% of college women ages 18-24 being raped in a 4 year span of college.

So why do we have campaigns against rape/sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse but no campaigns or studies involving robbery victims, aggravated assault victims, burglary victims and motor vehicle theft victims? Because people assume that domestic violence and sexual assault only affect women (when just as many men are affected and many women commit those two crimes) and because all victims of child abuse are children (and many people incorrectly assume it's mostly girls who are abused). Robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and carjacking are crimes men are more likely to be victims of. We also have NO campaigns against stopping murder (expect mass shootings but that's only because it's an exceptional outlier). Men comprise most murder victims. If robbery or murder or aggravated assault or burglary or carjacking disproportionately affected women, society would start campaigns against those crimes, and if people assumed rape only affects men, society wouldn't have campaigns and activism against rape (they wouldn't even have nearly as much hatred towards rapists than they already do. People hate rapists more than they hate murderers). Same with domestic violence. People assume human trafficking only affects women and girls or women and children and we have many campaigns against human trafficking when it happens much less often than robbery, rape, aggravated assault, burglary, and motor vehicle theft. Murder in the United States happens a lot too and society doesn't care unless it's a mass shooting.

A lot of people will argue that robbery, burglary, aggravated assault, carjacking and motor vehicle theft aren't nearly as bad as rape or child abuse or domestic violence, but these people are unaware that many burglary victims suffer psychological damage and so carjacking victims and robbery victims. Yet these people ignore it yet they pay lots of attention to catcalling or rear-end groping which isn't nearly as brutal as being a victim of robbery, carjacking or burglary or aggravated assault. These people also are eager about stopping all forms of intimate partner violence, including the guy who only mildly slapped his girlfriend once or twice, and that slap isn't nearly as brutal as robbery, carjacking, or burglary or aggravated assault. And plus, this is the relative privation fallacy anyways when they argue "but robbery, burglary, aggravated assault, carjacking and motor vehicle theft aren't nearly as bad as rape".

TL;DR: although robbery, aggravated assault and motor vehicle theft happen much more than rape, society only cares about stopping crimes that they incorrectly think affect only women/children while ignoring all other crimes because it clearly affects mostly men.