I can't believe how this non-story is an issue. I still don't get what's wrong. Bc it doesn't sound warm and fuzzy that women's info was in a binder that a women's group gave him? What if he said LinkedIn contacts? Would that be sexist? WTF is going on?!

Now the media is saying things like Romney said "I have a binder of women" and such.

Watch the entire scene, I see nothing sexist. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWhW_eeV8DY. He starts saying all the applicants he was given was men and he wanted women candidates as well. He can't win!

"We went to a women's group and they GAVE US WHOLE BINDERS FULL OF WOMEN." So were the women's group sexist for putting the women in binders? DERP! Bc that's the problem I see with what he said on all these stupid tumblrs and late night shows.

And NO! I am NOT voting Romney. That just shows how worked up I am.