About a week ago now, I suppose I accidentally let something slip about a friend that I guess I should not have done, and now all my friends are mad at me over it. What happened was, one of my friends (lets call her Orange) and I decided to play around on Tinder just to see what was out there and maybe even have a little fun with the app. I guess our other friend (lets call her Blue) was envious of the fun and decided to download the app. After only like an hour she had a whole bunch of messages from guys wanting to meet her, so after talking with all of them a little bit, she found one that she liked asked him to come over to her place.
The caveat here is that she also has a boyfriend (lets call him Red), and we are all members on the same Discord server. As Orange, Blue and I were goofing off on Tinder, we were also chatting about it both in voice chat and one of the text channels. After like an hour or so, Blue (without thinking about it) posted in the Discord that "he will be coming over in about 30 minutes so I cant talk right now". Red saw this and sent me a DM asking what she meant by that post. I didn't see the message when he sent it because I had already got off the app and went to bed because I had work early the next day. Well, as soon as I woke up and saw the message, I absent-mindedly answered the question truthfully.
Red was naturally upset and wanted to end the relationship, but Blue honestly did not. Since Blue was a good friend to me, I worked and worked to rectify the situation. After spending all day going back and forth and mediating, I was able to convince Red to give Blue another chance. However, all of my friends, and Red, now collectively agree that I am the one that cannot be trusted because of what I did. The advice that I am looking for is what I should do to fix this situation. Also what would you have done in my place?
[–]goodmod[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Gries88 6 points7 points8 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]AsterSkotos24 6 points7 points8 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Clemicus 2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]mikesteane 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link