All over Reddit, people are saying "Just get a prenup" or "Why didn't he get get a prenup" as if it's the magic bullet to all divorce problems.

As someone who has gone through a 3 year nasty high conflict divorce, dealing with 4 different family and criminal lawyers, here is what I observed:

  • You cannot put anything in the prenup about child support, access, or custody. Guess what 99% of couples fight over when they divorce? Child support (up to 50% of your NET income), access (to the children), and custody (who is allowed to make decisions for the children). I have spent close to $500k in legal fees to get access to my children as she successfully leveraged the system to keep my kids away from me.

  • Let's assume you have a prenup. Did you know false abuse allegations are RAMPANT in family courts? One allegation and the whole prenup is out of the door. Lawyers encourage Mothers to make false allegations in order to maximize child support and custody.