As you may be aware, bisexuality in general is rising among the younger generation, and most rapidly among women, though it's increasing among men. A recent poll showed 20% of Gen Z adults (born 97-03) identified as LGBT. In comparison 10% of Millennials did. As a 1986er, bisexuality is still pretty niche among most my age, but seems so common among Gen Z. Anyway...interesting the RATIO of female to male LGBT identified is also increasing. In older generations there are more males, but for millennials its twice as common for women, and Z 3 times. So if more women identify as bi, you'd expect a fair proportion of these to be in lesbian relationships, shrinking the dating pool even further. Fewer women are choosing to have children too.
So what does that mean for men? It's often claimed women are more 'sexually fluid' but I question this. It's hard to take away the immense cultural stigma against male homosexuality in particular. In the past and many societies male bi/homosexuality seems MORE common (albeit history is more male dominated). Still if female homo/bisexuality was so much more prevalent, shouldn't a lot more be said of it? In many closely great ape species and some monkeys it's common or even universal among males or females. So clearly, most are naturally capable of homosexual attraction. Anyway...I think if we see more female homosexuality, we'll see more men turning to homosexual relationships. If there's less disgust/stigma many will prefer it to loneliness. What this means for heterosexual relationships will be interesting to see.
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