Now I'm not condoning violence by any means. I just hate the fact that there's such a large gap between what men and women can get away with .
Here's a situation that happened to me with a female , and If that female was a male I wouldve had all the justification in the world to smash his face in. But because she was a female. Things weren't so simple.
I was literally getting smacked around by a women(because I'm kicking her out) while I was waiting for the cops to come and get her out of my apt. During this time the only thing that I can do relatively safely was pinned her crazy ass down till the cops come. During this time she was calling me pussy for not hitting her. Egging me on to do it . she knows she has privilege in this area, and as soon as I do she'll have leverage. her attempt at manipulating the situation were obvious. I just pinned her down till cops come. (NGL I was inches from smashing her face in due to her smacking me around like that)
If this was a guy it wouldve been alot simpler, 1. The guy knows if he lays a hand on another guy it'll be an immediate brawl. Neither wants that hassle so chances are good he'll just leave . And if he does decide to get violent it's clear cut that you defend yourself. Knock his ass out.
Females knows they can get away with this shit. Because things are very much in their favor. Especially when there arent video evidence.
Annnnnd boyyyy when the cops arrived , did she try hard to use the fact that I pinned her crazy ass down as leverage. Of course the cops simply escorted her out. Afterall I was the only one with injury's. So nothing too important knowwhatimean?? (The side of my face and ear was red and had scratches)
Here's the kicker. Cops asked me if I wanted to press charges. I said no, because she has kids to take care of, and I just want her out . 2 weeks later I got a letter in the mail saying charges against me were dropped due to insufficient evidence. What the actual fuck. (This means she tried to file charges against me)
Now I'm not saying this happens all the time. Matter of fact this situation was a first for me , I haven't met such a nutty cunt in a while .
Now, clearly if I was dealing with a male like this I'd have all the justification in the world to defend myself. But for some reason because shes a women, I had to restrain myself to just pinning her down despite her smacking me around. Mind you this was the correct action . If I had even injure her without a doubt I'd go to jail that day and a bunch of other hassle. (I was inches away from it too, something about getting smacked around reaaally gets your blood boiling and wanting to smash the attackers face in, but I stopped and just pinned till cops arrived , definitely not worth the hassle)
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