Was asked to repost my LWMA post here:

Do not contact any of the involved parties and do not brigade. Keep in mind that your behavior may reflect on the cause of this sub and do more harm than good.

The statements made by redditors in response to the video provide further evidence for the problematic attitudes and evaluations regarding male victims, as well as the casual usage of gendered insults like "man child".

The currently trending post I am talking about: r-PublicFreakout/comments/sdzzeb/live_streamer_plays_loud_music_for_donos_at_3am/

For short: 28 yo man is living with his mother. He streamed and played loud music for donations at 3 in the morning. In response, the mother beats him with a steel lamp, calls him a "f**got", tells him he will die alone and that it is his own fault. The viewers call the police. Before he can talk to the police, she instructs him to tell them that he is fine. He lies to the police, answering the question if he was "hit at all" with "no, sir", which is untrue. After the police leaves, she threatens him that he will be thrown out should the police ever show up again. From what it sounds like, the police had to intervene before. Additional context: https://np.reddit.com/r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates/comments/sebh45/comment/hujyunt/

Is playing music at 3 am nice? No. Is physically assaulting him in response acceptable? Not at all.

One comment claimed that he too has been violent at one point in the past. If that was the case, the police should have been called just the same. Even though the clip may suggest to some that maternal abuse during his development may have contributed to his dysfunctional behaviors (if true), we must still strive to prevent such events. Violence is ineffective in achieving anything positive, even if you make yourself feel better about it by convincing yourself it was "deserved". Efforts to increase the empathy for and visibility of male victims whilst expanding the availability of support - both socially and institutionally - may be part of prevention efforts that may intercept the cycle of violence.

Now on to the comments:

(+1544) Lmao his mom roasted the shit outta him "YOURE GONNA DIE ALONE AND ITS YOUR OWN FAULT"

(+503) She's probably right. What a loser.

(-90) That she raised...

(+121) A parent can do everything right and still end up with a loser kid.
(+79) Sometimes people just end up this way regardless of what parents do

(+31) Yeah the beating has nothing to do with it... maybe she should hit him harder?

(+19) If she hasn't tried that at this point it's worth a shot. He's grown adult not a defenseless child.

(-26) No, it's not worth a shot, and him being an adult doesn't change that. She exists outside of a jail cell only because he decided it wasn't worth it. It wasn't ever worth the shot, no matter how much you resent this guy because he's as lazy as you wish you could be.

(+3127) This is a 28 year old man. Blasting music at 3 am at his moms house. He’s lucky she only came at him with a lamp.

(+58) My mother would have pulled the fuses first and then cleared up with the lamp. YobTubbers can't report what they can't see.
(+572) Seriously I noticed late that the dude is like 30 and his mom looks like a grandma. Dude is not only living with his mom at 30 but is extremely disrespectful to her. Jesus I thought I was a loser for moving out at 22. At least I didn’t treat my mom like shit.

(+965) Now now, perfectly normal in most parts of the world to still live at home at that age. Let's not shame for that, shame for being disrespectful and waking his mom up at 3am.

(+137) THTAHP IM NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG IM IN MY ROOM! Shes right, what a fucking idiot.

(+19) I thought he was gonna start crying for his tendies and dewies

(+508) "If the police come to my house one more time" not surprised it's happened before an I honestly don't know who would be at fault lol

(+183) Agreed. He’s a POS but, by the same token, keeping him around only continues to enable his narcissistic behaviour.

(+385) A shitty piece of human.

(+45) In this case I am generally confused with who you mean.

(+14) Probably the grown man still living with his parents.
(+187) Probably referring to the man child

(+85) Yup... he's a parasite.

(+388) This streaming shit is ridiculous

(+168) Thats not streaming thats legit mental illness. I can't tell if the people calling the cops and his mom are trying to be assholes or just trying to get somebody to actually help that fucking guy.

(+33) Definitely assholes.
(+39) Is he mentally ill? Sure probably. Is he cognisant enough to know he's being an asshole? Yes. This guy isnt a victim.

(+2525) He’s Juiced that he got attention and 5 bucks. He is already planning his next obnoxious livestream

(+427) Live by the content, die by the content.

(+59) Hopefully the content hits a little hard next time.

(+306) His mom seemed pretty hones about him dying alone... Dude is 28 and lives at his moms... And still acts like a 14 year old "rebel"

(+89) Reddit does this a lot... Attacking things that happen to good people. Or attacking the visual appearance of assholes that good people also tend to have. It's disgusting. This guy is a loser. But why shit on everybody who happens to have had to move back in with their parents later in life due to shitty circumstances?

(+77) Is this the same guy from the other day where the mom was pissed about the exact same thing?

(+26) Yep. That poor mother should kick him out yesterday

(+105) Ladies, I'm pretty sure this enterprising young man is single ...

(+143) She needs to kick his bum ass out of her house!

(+47) "If the cops come one more time... You're out" But not before his lame ass sends her to jail for assault. I really feel for her, but she should have said, "you're out by tomorrow"

(+217) I saw another video of these two where the guy was doing shots every time someone donated. His mom came in a flipped out. People in the comments began defending him! Saying he is a grown man and the mom is toxic and controlling. Maybe she is controlling but this “grown man” lives at home and is irresponsible as hell. It’s crazy.

(+44) Doesn't matter what age you are. If you live with mommy you play by her rules. People can act like an adult when they decide to live like one.

(+151) This guy is an absolute loser. His Mom should throw his ass out.

(+144) Fucking loser. His poor mother.

(+28) The mother should stop filling the fridge and cut off the wifi. If she has cable, cut it. Pay for his phone? Cut it. Watch how fast he starves/leaves/tries to kill her.

(+47) Time to move out you pathetic man child

(+45) If my son was a grown ass man still living in my house blasting music at 3 am because all he ever amounted to in life was being a streamer, damn straight I would beat his ass.

That was a selection. Votes at the time of writing the LWMA post.

I am a bit at a loss for words regarding this. This is even less empathetic than I would have thought. I see that people find the victim annoying, but apparently there is little to no effort to understand the issues associated with such behavior and how their reactions toward this do not help at all, nor does the violence.

Am I missing something?