If you all remember from this post here, my friend was facing a rape and harassment allegation via an ex he dated over 4 years ago.

Today was his hearing and the case was thrown out! The judge said there was not enough evidence and far too many inconsistencies in her story to uphold a restraining order against him. So the injunction was tossed. And the judge signed an affidavit to present to the university police to close the investigation there. Needless to say my friend is thrilled. He's out eating Chinese food right now to celebrate.

So that's the update. Just wanted to share the good news. Thanks for the advice, MensRights.

In sum: He did not contact the ex, did not talk to the police or submit a statement at the police station. And he was advised by a lawyer (who is a friend so the consult was free) as to how to behave and what to say for the case. I think all this helped resolve the matter smoothly.

Edit: for misspelling.