I'm so fed up with feminist hate and with women having the advantage in nearly every aspect of life that I would like to just throw a monkey wrench into the whole works. It might be satisfying to do everything in my power to sabotage feminist lives. I'm tempted to just abandon any attempts to bring about reform and instead just do everything possible to be disruptive. Maybe I could make fake profiles of hot dudes on dating sites simply to stand up golddigging whores. Maybe I could find hypocritical feminist haters on the web and use my photoshopping skills to mock them. Display their hypocrisy to the whole world and enjoy laughing at them.

My favorite Youtuber is Udy Pranks, a guy who catches golddiggers. I only wish he could show their faces and doxx them, though I understand why he doesn't. I'm just so fed up with the obnoxious feminist hypocrites that I'm past the point of trying to make positive change. I feel like just being as disruptive and obnoxious as possible for the satisfaction of payback.

I just had to vent.