One of the dumbest things feminists do is vilifying men for not being attracted to the women whom feminists demand we be attracted to. If a woman is obese, almost all men are not attracted to her. That's due to instinct. It's biology that has evolved over millions of years. If an obese woman showed up naked on your doorstep, you could not make yourself attracted to her even if for some reason you desperately wanted to. Attraction is not a choice! It's all done by instinct.

Almost all men are attracted to young, healthy, svelte women with hourglass figures, radiant skin, and beautiful hair. It's just how it is. You could not shut off that attraction even if you for some reason wanted to.

Yet feminists keep publishing photos of obese women claiming nonsense like, "We're changing the standards of beauty." That's hogwash. Publishing photos of unattractive women won't cause men to be attracted to them. All it will do is make photos of women nobody wants more widely available.

Attraction or repulsion is INVOLUNTARY.

That's the key. Feminists are out to punish men for things that are involuntary. Not attracted to an obese women in a bikini? EVIL! It's so absurd.