Crosspost "What the Qur'an actually emphasizes and why ISIS are the closest thing we have to real muslims" from /r/exmuslim:

It is said by some Quran-only Muslims that Islam in its purest and most morally upright form can only be gleaned from the pages of the Quran.

Those who make this claim however have obviously not read the Our'an. Let's look at the priority that some fundamental aspects of Islam are given in the Qur'an:

Muslims should pray five times a day: 

0 verses in the Qur'an 

Muslims should say the Shahada:

"There is no God but Allah and Muhammad the Messenger of Allah": 

0 verses in the Qur'an 

Muslims should circle the Kaaba and kiss the stone imbedded in it when on pilgrimage to Mecca: 

0 verses in the Qur'an 

Muslims have to turn to other sources (most notably the ahadith or traditions) for these basic aspects of practicing islam.

When it comes to having sex with captured women however, the Qur'an cannot be more explicit:

Muslims have the right to have sex with women they captured in battle? Four verses in the Qur'an!

Surah 23: 6, Surah 4: 24, 

Surah 70 :29 and 

Surah 8:69

These verses all make it clear that captured women are fair game. 

For example, "Muslim men are those who guard their chastity, except with their wives and the (captives) whom their right hands possess, - for (then) they are not to be blamed (Qur'an 10:29). 

In enslaving women ISIS terrorists are merely following the teachings of their book. A book that places a higher priority on assuring them that they can have sex with female slaves than it does on teaching them how to pray.

Posted by Azogthedesecrater | 26 June 2020 | Link