I was watching a video by Osama Bin Laden's niece. Her views are the opposite extreme of her uncles'; both are extremely stupid.

She suggests that Trump is the only person who can stop another 9/11 terrorist attack happening.

First of all, are we even on the same page? 50% of people don't even believe that shit was real. They believe it was an inside job. So to make a statement like that you are assuming we agree the attacks were real; many people don't.

Secondly, America doesn't need to worry about another 9/11 attack happening. You need to worry about your own citizens killing themselves and/or creating a civil war in your own country.

Why are young men unable to find a relationship in the United States? Why are young men dropping out of college and not looking for work? Why is the male suicide rate going up? Drugs and anti depressant use going up?

Listen to what people are actually talking about in society and stop imposing your own agenda as the voice of the people. The truth is, many men feel betrayed by none other than the USA. If their grievances continue to go ignored they will be the one creating havoc on your streets. Not so called "Islamic terrorists."