You know how Western countries always boast about how much freedoms they have while shitting on Muslim countries? (besides economic freedom because the elite gatekeepers tax you 40-65% at the upper end but of course, they don't tell you about it and focus on bullshit issues like LGBT instead. Because they use your tax money to fund their own lifestyle. But that's another issue for another time.)

What's ironic is, all the freedoms the Western world created ended up fucking them in the ass and now many Westerners want to go back to traditionalism. Little do they know, those days are long gone.

Whether it was the sexual revolution, a freedom that promised males and females more sex with no strings attached. Ironically male sexlessness has been on the rise ever since as a direct result of the revolution.

Whether it was the freedom of separating church from state. Sure Christianity was corrupt and did a lot of bad things in the West, but that's not necessarily because of religion as much as it tyrannical rulers who can hide behind the guise of any system to promote their agenda. However, the separation of Church from state and the removal of religion and the rise of atheism has led to the mental health crisis in society. Now, I know some faggot is going to say ohh, mental health wasn't studied enough back then that's why we don't have much data to analyze what their mental state was like. No, wrong. In fact, the new world has gotten the entire system backwards. Mental health should not be promoted and advertised in society at large like it is today, because then you have a bunch of vulnerable kids who in fact have nothing wrong with them, but they read some pamphlet about vague symptoms of mental illness and how they are convinced they are mentally ill too. Mental illness is often very easy to tell. It's not the case that you need to advertise it in society because those who are mentally ill people know straightaway. As for feelings of sadness and depression. That's not mental illness. That's just a phase people go through in life. And back when church and state were not separated people used to rely on God to get through hard times. Now, because society no longer believes in God. They dont have any refuge to seek in hard times. So they kill themselves. This is a direct result of the removal of religion from society. Once you remove religion, people dont have a purpose no more. And that's why today a lot of people are looking into psuedo-science spirituality and drugs to refill that vessel which religion once filled.

And the irony of it all is, the freedoms the West likes to boast about isn't really freedom in the first place. Because bullshit politicians, social media and other media will delete your content if they don't agree with it. You are guilty of wrong think. So the freedoms they claim aren't really freedoms at all. It's all a facade and they are really a bunch of cunts.