This is the type all women crave. These guys are most dominating and will whip the fuck out of her! Even the most feminist of women will submit to men like these. Why? Bc he has that look and according to many women he's a 10. Remember as much as women when they say they hate f boys, reality is they crave tf put of em. Why? He has had many women and is very experienced. But these guys never stay around and women know this, but they will still go after them.

This is the type. Your average dr khan type or desicell engineer type. Which he worked hard for in order to get a good wife and a family but not knowing the types she really wants and craves. (The Christian grey types) She settles or marries these guys ofc bc her parents and family will leave her if she married a thug. So what happens? She uses him as a provider but never will fully submit to him.

If you have money, it doesn't make u get respected by women. She will only deep down be attracted to thugs, bad boys, and all these types. She only settled with you bc ur a "stable financially" guy and decently pious. But deep down she just craves the torture that these types of thugs give them.

I remember reading a article where Ivanka trump her ideal guy was the guy from the movie "the American psycho" where this guy is absolutely crazy and psychotic which women love and he fucks the hell out of em, not giving a fuck, and is next level psychotic in bed, which women love. But they keep it lowkey.

Remember boys for us it will be we either are beta bucks or nothing. It's over. #GYOW. This life is to short. Many of us say we will live till 80. I don't think.

Many of us will be gone by 50. Knowing all this, and overthinking and all will fuck our mental health up and we wont make it long and stressing and all will just fuck us up and give mental physical health problems. I'm just saying facts.

Anyways focus on akhirat. Hoor ul ayn is the main goal.