The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "But for the Israelis, meat would not decay and but for Eve, wives would never betray their husbands." [Bukhari]

This hadith shows that Eve (Hawa') a.s did in fact tempt Adam a.s to disobey Allah by eating from the forbidden tree and this demonstrates her betrayal to her husband.

Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani says: When Eve followed the desires of her nafs (her lower self) to eat from the tree and tempted Adam to do it, that was considered as betrayal to him. [Fath al-Baari 3152]

This demonstrates that it is a part of female nature known as the nafs to be inherently ungrateful towards their husbands. This is a part of female nature that women need to understand and control. The concept to control the nafs is known as Struggle against the Self or jihad al-nafs in Islam and it is something both men and women should strive to perfect.

The nafs has three stages:

1– Nafs Al-Ammarah: The animalistic/egotistic Nafs (self) that overwhelming commands us to do sin without any remorse, shame or guilt.

2– Nafs Al-Lawwamah: The Nafs that sins but feels remorseful, guilty and ashamed.

3– Nafs Al-Mutmainnah: The Nafs at peace, that refrains from sin and no longer desires to sin and it is content with what Allah has made halal and haram and only desires that which pleases Allah.

What is interesting, is that modern day feminism is simply an extension of women following their natural state of nafs al-Ammarah, which is untamed female nature. That is the reason why they are ungrateful to men and call all men 'trash.'

This is something as men we must understand. Women are not all angels as we are raised to believe. Rather, we must recognise those women who have Nafs al-Ammarah, which is female nature untamed, and these are those women who are inherently ungrateful towards men. They are those who betray their husbands.