Being strong is very attractive to weak individuals. That's also why betas love strong women in TV and video games. You are either the sub or the dom. That and maximizing attractiveness is the only part of TRP that attracts insecure women, everything else just works on hot secure women.

My GF wants me to make the tough decisions for her, she loves that, she craves this leadership. She even sets up manipulative situations to get me to make a decision for her, I often play dumb and then call her out on it.
For example yesterday she complained about the fact that she can't be at her sisters game this weekend but really wants to do something important elsewhere. Normally she would stop to complain but she gave me so many hints and complained so long until I told her to do what she wants, she doesn't want to feel bad for making a decision which is based in rational egoism (do what is best for you VS fulfill societies expectations) so she told me that I am an arse for letting her struggle, I apparently know exactly what she wants and should just make that decision.

Stuff like that really happens often, I have no problem with easing her conscience, she loves it when I take charge. But what about a women that loves taking charge? Right, there would be a battle at every decision where we don't align. The most stubborn wins. I am repulsed by dominant women. Not just because of their character, but because they are more likely to be repulsive, looks wise. Now this is a hard statement to defend. But it makes sense, sweet, beautiful women had everything handed to them all their life. That makes your character weak, they want to avoid conflict, these are the women who can't pick a restaurant, because they don't want to affect others negatively and don't want to be so egoistical to just go where they want. Actually these girls sweet, caring and generally have a very good heart. What I don't want is some ugly girl that had to grow a strong character to get what she wants, with an unnecessary confrontational attitude.

I will invent a number now: 90% of all hot women like a guy that takes charge. Maybe it is higher, maybe lower. But generally you can say that unattractive women have an unattractive character. Finding a hot girl that wants to be in charge and isn't a total bitch is a nearly impossible task, since we care much about utility, get a hot one and take charge, she can still overwhelm you and take charge if that's what she wants, just look out and make sure that this is also what you want.

It's hard to find a secure/confident woman, it's even harder to find a hot secure/confident woman.

Edit: TL;DR: IMO hot women tend to be more caring, sweet, non confrontational, submissive also less secure and have a less dominant/stubborn character.