For one, how are we defining logic in the context of men being the “more logical ones”? It is being objective and caring solely about facts while rarely letting emotions get in the way? Is it about being more intelligent?

Im asking because of the stereotype that men have been more interested in facts, science, and hard truths, while women are more into feelings, nurturing, and more emotionally driven. But isnt that theory contradicted from the disproportionate violent crimes committed by men due to anger?

I think most of us can agree SJWs are a good example of emotionally-driven women who use 0 logic in their arguments. However, there’s male SJWs, and this subreddit has men who use the arguments that SJW Karens do. For example, AWALT and YesAllMen is just blaming an entire gender for the actions of a few. Not really seeing any logic in using slogans that claim 100% of members in a group is a certain way.