This post is moreso directed at the people who believe there is no grey area in this debate, that it's completely polarized views, and that it's good versus evil.

I was seriously considering hating women forever ten years ago. All the evidence that suggested that even when I did everything I was taught women liked by society, there was no result. I was naturally BP until middle of college, and shook off the system (of lies), and was naturally more RP, but without any of the necessary skills or experience, indeed not even knowing anything about the red vs. blue distinction. A friend of mine only within the last five months or so introduced me to RP, and I was very resistant to the idea of it. It looked like some weird circle jerk of woman-hating, amoral, and frustrated men at the first several glances.

Apologies for this long "me" story, skip to the next text break if you can do without the context.

After I got married (because even a shitty alpha can land a good-looking woman), I slowly let that disdain grow, to the point where I actually believed that the only way to make a woman stay in a relationship was to treat her badly. I had reasoned that this was the opposite to the nice-guy approach, and I saw evidence of it working. Now, it worked, but don't get me wrong, I wasn't abusive. I was intentionally keeping from my wife, for 7 years, the things that I thought she wanted, because I believed that if she ever got them from me that she wouldn't have a reason to try to make our relationship work. I even explained that to her on a few occasions, and she begrudgingly agreed that according to her experience that was also true. When we both realized too late that we were miserable, I did an absolute 180 and Blue-Pilled the shit out of her, so she started cheating. She even wrote a letter acknowledging the change in my behavior, and admitting that it caused her to "shut down.", and her spoon-fed blue pill version compelled her to say all of the sentimental stuff that a good woman should say when her Disney man is going by the blue pill bible.

The Red Pill taught me that I was wrong in every way, from how I treated her, to reverting back to the system of lies we are taught about attraction.

Truths I've noticed in TRP that few people want to admit:

  • If you hate women, you're doing it wrong.
  • TRP is about respecting yourself so that others respect you.
  • It's about doing what's right for everyone by doing what's right by you; they become one in the same once you perfect the art.

Hating women is a wasted effort. TRP forces you to put the blame on yourself so that you can learn from failure; you cannot blame women for your failures. They say you don't have to like the world, but you're making a huge mistake by hating women or blaming them. That's not to say you can't be angry; the world still isn't fair, you will still suffer great pains in life, but take solace in the fact that you can now become stronger and better in spite of the adversity. All this nonsense about RP being misogynistic, immature, and pathetic is the biggest joke I've heard around here.

If you respect yourself, then you are free to find worthy women with whom to spend time. It is absolutely necessary to be dismissive of the vast majority of women, because they've been fed the same poison you have your entire life (and most of them like the taste). You can't waste your time trying to break them in; there are a lot of great women out there, but there are a hundred in the way for every one that would make you both happy. It's just the most effective way of handling the way the world is, not as it ought to be. There are too many people "plugged in" to "be the change you want to see in the world". As much as I ache to walk a different path, there's only one path that leads forward, and it's not the one in the clouds that everyone wants it to be, it's in the trenches facing every demon you've ever had.

After you men make the change, you will have an unprecedented amount of control over your life and those around you. You will have the power to do wrong in ways that you never could before. Some men are like this. That is just an unpleasant truth. You do not have to follow bad examples, you are now a free man to do as you please, after all.

If you still want to hate after reading that, then you belong to your fate, and I pray it is not a protracted one.

  • I've already had the chance to see people's reactions to this, but I neglected posting rule #3, and offer this to debate or discussion:

My understanding of RP is unemotional. I think people should view all theses in a pragmatic sense, but I empathize with those who do not, which is what prompted my post.

To those who feel nothing but vitriol toward RP: From where do you get your emotional reactions? (e.g. religion, powerful role models in life, insidious alphas, etc.).

To those of RP: This is my understanding after 2 months of reading and debate. I know I haven't read everything, but I am having leagues of success with women applying my understanding of them through RP tenets. What is it that I am missing, if anything, about my understanding of self or of women, based on what can be gleaned here?

To anyone in between: Surely you see principles underlying my thoughts on the matter. Which ones do you share, or when was it that you decided red is too raw or blue is too soft?

Edit for punctuation. Edit to include requirement for explicit question to discuss or debate.