So I've been thinking a lot about brains lately...

In order to fit this into an OP I'm going to have to simplify.

Lizard Brain

Mammals inherited a brain from their reptile ancestors. This brain runs with emotion... Fear, Lust, love, hate, anger etc etc.... That's how it works. All animals have this brain. Its a really simple brain, and it runs off of "Deterministic Evolutionary Strategies" learnt in the "time before writing". Hell, learnt in the "time before mammals" usually. These are deterministic strategies set genetically, humans all share some version of these.

Lizard brain pushes the emotions he/she controls into your rational brain in furtherance of those old evolutionary strategies. You can't control what emotions he pushes, only your response to them. Lizard Brain is happy to take in info from your rational brain, but he decides separately whether to change the Feelz or not. He's not amenable to persuasion. He's a thick old lizard. He can't even read and/or understand condoms FFS.

Lizard brain is in sole control of your emotions.

Mammal Brain

In mammals we developed a second brain overlaid on the top of this reptile brain of emotion. A rational "figure stuff out" brain. Humans have the most massively overdeveloped version of this. Here is where the rational information processing resides. Here is where the you that you describe as being you resides. This brain has control over all your actual actions, just not the Feelz. Lizard Brain got them all locked up tight.

Mammal brain is in sole control of your rational thought processes and decides whether to act on these, or the Feelz, or a combination of the two.

An example

So.... When someone throws a ball... And you catch it "automatically", putting your hand in the right spot without thinking about it, that's lizard brain. All evolution wired automatic responses.

If someone throws a ball... And you get out a pen, calculator and paper... Do your calculus, predict the parabolic arc, predict the timing... Then put your hand where the math says to. Close your fingers when the maths says to. Then catch it. That's mammal brain.

How Lizard and Mammal brain work together

As I covered above Lizard brain runs evolutionary deterministic strategy set by genes. He doesn't think much. He's just a dumb old lizard. "Oooooh... Sexy male... Here are the panty wetting feels evolution wants you to have".

Mammal brain either accepts this and uses it's processing power to support old lizard...

"Ooooh.. The feels... He must be my soulmate, it's finally my time to be happy. Rational brain agrees, Follow the Feelz"

Or he rejects it

"The Feelz are strong, but I've got a good hubby. Ignore the Feelz at least this time".

When RP meets a women who just cannot rationally override her feels... We describe that woman as a child. Just like my 4 year old. When daddies mad... She just crumples in tears, she can't help it, her little 4 year old lizard brain pushes those Feelz in and she just can't do anything but respond to the feels yet. Mammal brain hasn't developed enough yet. For some women, it never develops. They are what RP describes as "children". Completely at the mercy of the lizard brain Feelz. Nothing wrong with that, you just have to deal with that a certain way if you are interacting with this kind of "mental child".

When RP meets a women who can rationally override her feels, but rarely does so... We describe that woman as a teenager. Just like many teenagers you have met. Sometimes they can override the Feelz, sometimes they are just too strong. Because women get much stronger Feelz than men from lizard brain (they are much more emotion focussed) there are a lot of women in this teenager state. They know what rational thought is, but the Feelz are just so strong... Sometimes they overcome them, sometimes they do not. Mammal brain has developed, he's just in control only sporadically. Like a teenager. These women are largely, but not completely, at the mercy of lizard brain. Nothing wrong with that, you just have to deal with that a certain way if you are interacting with this kind of "mental teenager".

Finally, RP meets women who can rationally override her feels, and often does so... We describe that woman as a competent FO (or as I would, as my tailgunner). Just like many adults you have met, they get the Feelz. They just have pretty good, but not perfect, rational control over their actions. Often they can override the Feelz, often when the Feelz are at their very strongest. They know what rational thought is, and use it to decide. Mammal brain has developed, he's largely in control. Like an adult. These women are not completely at the mercy of lizard brain. Nothing wrong with that, you just have to deal with that a certain way if you are interacting with this kind of "mental adult".

This way of dividing the brain also explains other RP concepts. The Hamster is a woman using her rational brain to support the lizard brain feels. "Oh, Mr Studly is so dreamy (lizard brain pushing Feelz)... So he must be right for me or else just why would I feel this way. This must mean he is my soulmate. This must mean hubby, is not my soulmate. Ergo, my rational brain says give into the Feelz. Sleep with Mr Studly. Just don't let hubby find out". We see this a lot... and, lets be clear, guys do just this as well (if not as often).

RP and Lizard Brain

RP ignores mammal brain. Works directly with lizard brain. So many women have such trouble controlling their feels that we've found working with the "organ grinder" to be more useful than working with the "monkey" that dances to lizard brains tune.

RP is all about providing qualities that excite female Lizard Brains, regardless of whether they engage mammal brain too (engaging both is useful, just not required).

You see... We don't want to get the girl that Feelz she wants to be elsewhere, and overrides it with her rational brain. One, she ain't that into you. Two, who can be sure how long mammal brain will keep winning that particular battle ?

What we want... Is girls engaged with us through the "Feelz". Who wants to be there with you. Whose lizard brain thinks YOU are Mr Studly. Thats where all the good sex is, for a start. For a second, you can hoover up all the child brains and teenager brains easily... and still have a pretty damn good shot with the competent FO's as well... Why NOT get the "Feelz" on your side ?

This is what RP is more or less aiming to do. This is how we can provide what women want, when they don't know what they want... They don't know lizard brain, we do. We deal with Lizard brain even if the girl doesn't understand at all where The Feelz are coming from or why.

How this causes confusion

Well, if you don't understand the above... or disagree with it strongly... You are doing so with your rational mammal brain. It's what we use when we type around here. Things feel wrong to him that ol' lizard brain is perfectly happy and OK with.

Then people start arguing... "Girls aren't really like that"....OR... NAWALT... OR.... "Well I don't think that way... So you must be wrong".... OR... "Well my rational brain says that won't work on me, so it wouldn't".

No shit. Your thinking brain don't think that way. We know. Thats why we go direct to Lizard Brain. It's just much more effective, because whilst all rational/mammal brains are running different software based on life experience... All lizard brains run the same old evolutionary deterministic strategies that they always ran, even back when chipping rocks into sharper rocks was cutting edge technology.

If you are looking for "things all (or close to all) women share in common"... Lizard Brain is your hunting ground.

If you are looking to turn actions into women wanting to, having the emotions to, have actual sex... Lizard Brain is where you have to impress.

Getting rational brain onside can help, as an afterthought.... But offered the choice between "Lizard brain say yes" and "Lizard brain say no" there is every reason to believe that getting lizard brain on side means getting laid more. Probably 100 times more. Most women will not go against Lizard Brain. If he don't give you the Feelz ? You aren't getting laid.

From this comes the RP phrase "You can't negotiate attraction". Damn right, negotiation is something mammal brain does. Lizard Brain governs attraction. You can't negotiate with him.

Thats what the lifting is about... The grooming... The behaviour patterns... The masculinity... The taking no shit... It's all plugging direct into lizard brain.

Can we now have a discussion about whether this is a good way of understanding human nature, and particularly human sexual nature ? Where do you think this view is right ? Or Wrong ? Or could be improved and refined ?