Normal, well-adjusted people don't discuss dating tactics or sexual tactics. They just... date. They simply get laid without having to come up with an "strategy". Normal people just... have sex. Organically, they don't even think how they're getting action because it's a natural process without any bumps in the way.

Every person who puts any time into these topics is either an older folk who isn't having sex any more and compensates by writing about it (Esther Perel) or an unattractive weirdo who openly admits has never been popular with the opposite sex (Bill Maher).

In fact, for many people it's practically impossible not to get laid. They get asked out by the opposite sex every once in a while and they don't even do anything to "trick" the other sex into asking them out.

They never bought a self-help book, they never went through a "guide" to find love, they never embraced a list of "rules" on how to do these things, they never had to experience a radical make-over nor any type of change. Normal people don't discuss the natural instincts of the other sex or build strategies to exploit the system and get sex, they just date. Their hobbies are the same that they've always been, their personalities are the same, their jobs are the same, they just haven't changed in any way ever and yet they never had trouble getting dates. These are natural daters, they don't even know that this whole world of pills and sexual ideologies and tactics even exists at all.

Regular people may worry about money, problematic kids, a medical issue, but never "how to be loved". You have to acknowledge you are an anomaly, a defective unit, if you need advice on how to do something that normal people do without even thinking, without even trying.