I'm in my late 20s, and all of my female friends are 25-40, gorgeous, successful, wonderful, and many are single by choice. They have options, but the men they meet are simply not at their level. They don't have good attitudes, good careers, interesting hobbies, or (seemingly) friends, or really bring anything to the relationship. Maybe they'll have one or two good quality out of, like, the bare minimum requirements for a good partner.

This made me realize something (especially since finding this sub). Women have always had to be "good" partners to find a man. Good wives, good cooks, good mothers. We're taught from a young age to "play house" and "learn to cook" while boys were taught to be monster trucks or whatever. Women have had to primp, spend tons of money on clothes and makeup, put in tons of effort on dates. Men have always just had to... show up. Maybe even brush their hair or their teeth if they felt like really making an effort. The bar is in hell for men, but women have had to continue maintaining the house, caring for the kids, working a full time job, be educated and interesting--all while not expecting much of the man nor making him feel emasculated if she happens to be smarter, more successful, or bring in more money than him. We've spent pretty much all of time making ourselves small and lesser-than for mens' egos.

But the balance is shifting. Women don't need men anymore and certainly not as much as men need women. Especially the men that are out there right now, doing nothing and expecting everything. No wonder women are starting to treat relationships as transactions since, truly, they always have been, with men being the ones to exclusively reap the benefits of marriage. Many women are choosing to be single by choice, single mothers by choice, and spend their lives with robust social supports provided to them by their communities of like-minded women. We simply don't need men anymore. And, oops, you accidently saddled yourself to a man who turned out to be a bad guy? Divorce him! We don't have to stay in horrible, sometimes abusive relationships forever anymore.

That's also where the concept among women is starting to crop up: if he wanted to, he would. If he wanted to be a good partner, he would. If he wanted to be equals, he would. If he wanted you to feel important, he would. We as women are no longer accepting the bare minimum and don't have to rely on men to exist (a change that has only occurred in the last 50-60 years), and many men are mad about it.

This concept of men no longer being the default prize makes them feel so entitled to a partner and such visceral rage when they can't find one for whatever reason. They'd rather blame women, or dating apps, or the system, or their height, or XYZ instead of looking inward and making themselves better partners to attract the women they want. The bar for men has been on the floor for pretty much all of human existence, and women are raising that bar.