Basically, if a woman is under 25, most women will see her as a child who is incapable of making her own decisions. Men, on the other hand, see younger men as other men. I think that this is what is really going on with all of the disagreements about age-gap relationships, passport bros, sex at colleges, etc.

When I see a bunch of young guys roofing in the sun, I see a bunch of men. If any of them chose to have sex with an older woman, I would assume that they were capable of making that choice. Like many men, I remember working those brutal jobs when I was a young man, and I remember what I was capable of doing at that time. Choosing with whom I wanted to have sex was definitely something of which I was capable at that time. As such, I respect the decisions that young men make about their own sex lives.

Women seem to have no such respect for younger women. Plenty of women, including on PPD, will say explicitly that they think of college-aged women as children. What ends up happening in discussions, like those about age gap relationships, is that people just talk past each other about completely different subjects, because the men are talking about adults and the women are talking about children.