Amoral dating strategy implies that whether someone is a "good guy" is irrelevant from a woman's perspective unless his being good is somehow attractive to her. If a woman likes player types and her goal is to get him to settle down, it doesn't matter if some loser male virgin like me is discontent with life. So what is "disenfranchisement" and how could it possibly play a role in amoral female dating strategy? Disenfranchisement is when isolated men have literally become frustrated with dating to the point of MG/STOW. Usually around the 30 mark, this is a result of their lack of sexual or romantic prowess. They may feel sexual inadequacy about their partners especially if a man is still a virgin because it is difficult to commit to women if she is their first but they are not hers.

Usually disenfranchisement has nothing to do with amoral female mating strategy because MSTOWs are typically unattractive anyway. But this post has to do with men that could end up disenfranchised but may also be sexually or romantically attractive to an individual woman who sees something in him that others don't. If she isn't looking for something serious, it's not complicated because she can just sleep with the potential MG/STOW case who may then end up in a position where he feels more willing to commit (no feelings of inadequacy about his future partner being his first but him not being hers).

If she is looking for something serious though and she finds someone who she is romantically attracted to, it's a problem if she gets too emotionally attached. Trying to fuck him into commitment might not work because he might leave her heartbroken if feelings of inadequacy kick in and he leaves her to commit with someone else. Anything else she tries to get him to commit could be a waste of time. My question in all this is what's the most prudent way for female mating strategy (romantic/sexual) to accommodate for male disenfranchisement if at all. This is especially so if more men are becoming isolated by technology and socially ostracising attitudes that are fearful about male sexuality.


If there were disenfranchised men that they found attractive enough, could powerful enough circumstances demonstrate it wise enough for them to adapt their sexual or romantic dating strategy accordingly? Could this become the case more so if in the future more men start to become isolated and this leads to a large trend of disenfranchised MG/STOW men?

EDIT: "Disenfranchised" was the wrong term for me to have used in this thread. I meant a state where men have become disillusioned with dating due to isolation and they may end up turning away from it.