OLD has made it harder for less attractive men to get partners. But I think that worse is coming.

Women are having less children, childfree by choice is on the rise, women can support themselves independently. Women disproportionately find monogamy hard. They increasingly don't need marriages or committed relationships. Alongside this, a rise in the awareness of Polyamory and the normalisation of bisexuality is opening up access to having lots of different partners to provide sex, fun, and the New Relationship Energy that women suffer more without.

Increasing the access to more FWB/low commitment sexual partners that allow them to live their lives without having to share domestic spaces, and with having the freedom for getting the feelings of newness frequently means more women will move away from ever seeking betas. If she does not need a provider or a co-parent, why would she "compromise" and commit to just one guy when she can have a variety of people that meet her sexual and emotional needs?

Low SMV men will get cut out even further, and will miss even having the option of being BB.

What do you think? Do you think that is possible, or do you think that a challenging economic future faced by most countries in the wake of covid will mean more monogamy and more demand for betas? Do you think that jealousy will be the final brakes that stops this in its tracks?