If you go on websites and just going by daily conversation, there’s often a stereotype that black people have fairly large penises compared to everyone else and that whites/Asians/Indians have smaller penises. Asians especially regularly have to deal with bad stereotypes in this respect.

Here is what I have actually found from my research:

There is actually no proper evidence of any significant penis size research done that indicates any major racial differences (except for Asians; more on that later). Studies in Nigeria and Tanzania for example have shown an average length of about 5.15-5.25 inches which is not too different from the global average (5.4-5.5).

See here:



In fact, in the case of Congo, there was an article released just talking about how penis size claims are almost never actually backed by real studies (see here):


In the case of India, there is also some inaccurate information out there. There was a misleading article saying that “Indian penises were too small” for condoms, but the standard they were using was 7 inches. It’s talked about and debunked here: https://www.theyfit.co.uk/pages/india-condoms. In another case, some articles reported flaccid penis measurements from people with erectile dysfunction as representative of India. An actual, proper study shows that the average is about 5.25 inches, again not too different from the global average from 5.4-5.5. Here is the study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/17568760/

For whites, there have been many studies done that I had found depending on the country, and in America, it seems to be about 5.1-5.5, again not too different from the global average.

The only main and significant outlier that I found were studies on the penis sizes of Asian men. In South Korea, for example, has an average penis size of 4.7 inches: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/293297374_Erect_penile_size_of_Korean_men.

Anyways, before you end up on some random Buzzfeed-like article, remember to go by the science, not stereotypes you may hear. Some stereotypes can be accurate and some stereotypes can simply be spread because one article decided to spread inaccurate information and it spread like wildfire.