Inspired by the current post asking blue-pillers to give a reasonable account of a red-pill perspective in order to prove they understand the alternative side, I think it would be interesting for us red-pillers to do the same.

I will begin. And I'm going to try to do this from a non-extreme-feminist viewpoint, and try to focus on the writings of the more reasonable blue-pillers. This means I'm going to try to focus on the facts which I've seen consistently disputed, and not whether stereotyping people is "mean", and not whether I actually literally believe that a woman has the brain of a child.

Ahem. Here I go.

  *Edit: See my personal response in comments to follow proper procedure.*  /r/PurplePillDebate/comments/31syyb/fellow_red_pillers_can_you_write_a_few_paragraphs/cq4r9x4