Women have intrinsic value, men do not. What most people find endearing in a woman, is hardly shaped by societal and cultural conventions, but mostly based on who they are. Women know this, this is a woman's gift.
Men are the complete opposite. What "attracts" women to men is not who they are as people, but rather what they can offer as a tool. Women see men as tools, not as humans, and we are ranked in a hierarchy for them to choose from. They only want to use you; they have no other natural interest for you. They are more interested in the side effects of indulging you than they are in who or what you are as a person.
So how can you "love" women and think they are attractive knowing that the feelings are obviously not shared? There will always be someone stronger, taller and richer. There will always be someone "above" you in a woman's eyes. Hypergamy is practiced by them. How is it possible to understand the concept of love and simultaneously a woman's nature, and still cling to a feeble belief that your feelings will be reciprocated? How can you NOT think that women are cold and alien?
Genuine question
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