It's quite common for men to say that women have too high standards. Women will say that their standards are not too high, but men are just objectively trash and need to improve on themselves. I wonder how we could answer who's right.

I used to look at instagram a lot and based on their algoritme (and my preferences I guess lol) I kept seeing a lot of beautiful instagram influencers. As a result, combined with media showing beautiful woman, my standards got inflated to quite a high level. The moment I realized this was when I was at a swimming pool party and I realized that I found every womans body somewhat unattractive because they didnt look like the women on instagram.

So I decided to delete instagram, porn, whatever, and low and behold forward 6 months (it seriously took a while) and my standards had lowered. I got (physically) attracted again seeing non-model women basically.

I could have also kept up my high standard and basically only date models. That would result in me having a lot less dates and maybe not find a partner.

On an individual level, the choice of whether to 'lower your standards' or not is entirely your own. A person has every right to not 'settle for less'.

On a group/societal level, the question becomes more relevant in whether we should improve education on this / cause a change in perception.

How do you personally determine if your standards are realistic? How do we as a society determine if the standards of a gender is on average too high and if so would you go about changing that?