I feel like there is a lot hate between the Red Pill and Blue Pill/Feminist communities which kind of sucks because there is definitely a bunch of fun to be had. I respect people on both sides of the debate because we need each other. Batman needs the Joker so he can be an SJW. Feminists need something to crusade against. RedPill needs someone to blame for the state of the modern woman. Im going to start this one off and id hope that both red pillers and bluepillers can have fun with it, before we go back to calling each other Rapists and Nazis.

How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb?

RedPill: These Socket sluts are constantly looking to upgrade light bulbs. Sockets have no problem branch swinging from incandescent to florescent because their sluts incapable of true love.

MGTOW: Men are tired of screwing in societies light bulbs. The only thing getting screwed is men for conforming to societies script. I'm lighting a candle.

Red Pill Woman: Im a submissive wife and in return my alpha husband has no problem screwing in my light bulb.

Feminist: Women are fully capable of screwing in light bulbs. As a strong independent woman I don't need a man to screw anything. I can screw myself, thank you very much.

Tumblr SJW: As a gender fluid dragon kin I don't need lightbulbs. My head mate dragonite can light fires and does not even comprehend electricity.

WOC: Hell No. I don't need no slave owner's great grandson touching my light bulbs.