There is a lot of confusion about what Red Pill is, and what it's meant to be "doing". Some claims that the whole community consists of hurt, bitter guys who can not get laid, hence projecting their bitterness onto a whole gender, turning into mysogenistic A-holes. Others say it's a bunch of guys, looking for best practices and pickup lines to pump and dump, or there is a claim that states, these people are just looking for excuses for not putting in the most required work... From a whole other standpoint, people claim, that just like any other community, Red Pill has it's best and worst "subscribers" and subcommunities, while the praxeology itself is merely an attempt to describe the reality of relationships between the sexes. Others say it's nothing more then a self help guide for men....

So to answer my own question, I'd say: Red Pill claims that the reality of dating and relationships does not alaign with with the popular sentiments and beliefs about dating and relationships and subconscious, natural drives are much more determinative then we are willing to give them credit for.

What's your take?