I too hold the view, that slim or ectomorph girls are way more valuable in sexual market value. Most men and women would agree that the architype female ideal is ectomorphic. The said female population being overweight or obese being unattractive goes without saying. Just look at online dating where there is an overwhelming representation of Endomorph females, males too, that make up the 'bulk' of single people.


I disagree that it is diet or exercise that is 100% the cause of people being overweight. Exercise merely makes up 20% of all calories burned (regardless of effort), the rest is "resting metabolic rate", genetics, hormones and metabolism. So basically without genetic determinism you might as well not bother spending hundreds on gym membership.

Seriously most personal trainers and the "fitness" industry brainwash clients into thinking its 50% diet 50% exercise = 100% results. BULL-SHIT. Its all a marketing ploy to get you to buy their magazines, gym equipment, diet aids, nutrition and exercise books etc.

Do your research; body-type determines fat and if you are an Endomorph you are fucked; Low metabolism, high fat retention and you could eat less than some people and still be very overweight.

Look at the definition of endomorph from official sports science. "The endomorph tends to gain weight and keep it on. Their build is a little wider* (*that's an understatement!) than an ectomorph or mesomorph, with a thick ribcage, wide hips, and shorter limbs. They may have more muscle than either of the other body types, but they often struggle to gain it without significant amounts of accompanying body fat."

The ideal standard whether male or female is a mix of Mesomorph onto Ectomorph benefitting from the build of a Meso, but having the height and metabolism of an Ecto. Any person who has a highly desirable sexual market value, female or male, follows this build and it can't be changed.

Anyone else is just coping.