You'd think it would make sense for people to go for people who are on the same level of attractiveness as they are across the board. And we also know people often shoot up and sometimes shoot down.

Men for the most part KNOW when a woman is too hot for them. Yeah, they may take a shot anyway or delude themselves into thinking that confidence and game will get them somewhere with women more or significantly more attractive than them (a house of cards that almost always falls one day) but they KNOW they are aiming higher than their league.

Most men know their place on the totem pole when it comes to attractiveness. They know if they are shooting too high and they know when they are having to resort to below them. But the point is they know.

Women on the other hand, from what I've seen from how single girls I know (i work in a gym and know a lot of young women casually) and of the girls I've dated, a lot of them from tinder literally seem to think like this.

Whether THEY are ugly, fat, old, have kids, whatever it may be that brings down their smv, they all seem to have been OBLIVIOUSLY similar in the way they approach dating. And that is....

They ALL go for the top 5ish percent guys. End of, no compromise or second thought. ZERO self awareness or regard as to whether they're anywhere near that level of attractiveness themselves. Just boom, beeline for the same guys.

Is this partly due to women being less introspective and less aware, more emotional and less realistic, or is it REALLY that 90 odd percent of men aren't even attractive enough for a fat lass?