I don’t consider myself God’s gift to men or any gender, but I sometimes can get approached by more than a dozen men in one night if I go out on a Friday or Saturday night. At that point, I don’t have time to talk to all of them to see if one is secretly someone I would have a lot in common with and is actually the most moral, kindest men out there. I’m generally going to only talk to one or two a night who stand out to me based on shallow characteristics. I try to vet them from there, because who has time to figure out if one of the 12 guys is actually my soul mate?

Men say they have such low standards and how women should be so thankful for that. But now that just can make us feel like “ugh, of course he’s going to approach me. I meet his only standard of not being fat”.

When some male acquaintances asked me on dates after I broke up with my boyfriend of two years, it was harder to be interested in any of them who would ask me about every single friend who I would introduce them to.

I’m bi, and when women and nb people hit on me, I’m more likely to flirt back even if I wasn’t planning on talking to anyone that night because I get attention from them way less often than I do from men.

If men want women to value their attention, maybe they shouldn’t give it out to every woman like it’s cheap