You know how children often have to be a part of something? Want to prove that they can be adult and play with the 'big boys'? I feel like this is all feminism does. How is feminism not a childish movement? Sort of like this Bill Burr quote:

Cause women always go on TV and they say all they want is to be treated exactly like guys, but if you listen to them, they don’t. All they want is the good shit of being a guy. They’re cherry-picking. They’re looking at guys’ life like it’s a like a buffet, right. Like you just could start picking out stuff, like “Same amount an hour, we’ll take some of that. Pay for the movie. Fuck that– you can keep that. I don’t like that. This is nice. That’s yucky. That’s icky.”

Or this one:

“Well why does a guy make more an hour to do the exact same job?”” I go “I’ll tell you why. Because in the unlikely event that we’re both on a Titanic and it starts to sink. For some fucked up reason, you get to leave with the kids, and I have to stay.” That’s why I get a dollar more an hour. No it’s a dollar an hour surcharge.


See what I’m saying? where are all those feminists then? You can’t find ‘em! You have no feminists in a house fire. You can take the most hardcore feminists. You know some chick right in your face. “You chauvinistic son of a bitch”, you know. Little short little haircut, you know. Second those flames break out, she’ll twist those little hairs into little pigtails. “Ooo. I’m just a girl. I wanna go play jump rope.”

So, the fact that many women are being influenced by feminism and joining up makes me suspicious. If they aren't acting like children, why not just be yourself? Why the need for the slut-walk girls only club of feminism?

It's all pretty childish if you ask me. How are slut-walks not childish?

If you want to be one of the guys, why not just do it? Not only is that more attractive than putting labels on things, but it's also less childish than having to do what the cool kids are doing.