Incels need to stop fucking whining, shitting up PPD and asking for advice that they never take, and looking for people to hear their tales of woe and tell them that their misery is insanely horrible and that they are heroes for attempting to lead normal fucking lives while unattractive. This fucks them over. It makes them unattractive as fuck. Who the fuck wants to be with a whiner, male or female, that's constantly talking about how ugly they are or how nobody wants black women or how weak their jaw is? It's a fucking drag. Maybe you would have more success if you pulled your heads out your asses, stopped believing you were super special, and actually worked to better yourselves and make the world around you a better place. People like value. People are attracted to value. If you make people happy, if you leave things and people better than when you found them, if you love yourself and don't pin all your fucking happiness on being liked by a significant other you're never even met, you're going to do a shitload better than if you're constantly posting about woe-is-me incel bullshit on Reddit.

Pull your heads out of your fucking asses, grow the fuck up, and realize that sometimes we have challenges in life we need to meet.