abstract - https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/reduced-face-preference-in-infancy(ebcfe1b2-beb9-4abf-a6d2-0d0c6fa2350a).html
article on it - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/baby-psychopath-research_55eedf6ee4b093be51bbff0f

Basically infants that preferred looking at red balls to human faces later tested higher on callous/unemotional traits which are related to Antisocial Personality Disorder and Autism.

Seeing as red pill (or the larger mra umbrella) is divided between men that want to learn to game women to get sex and men that have chosen to not even try to connect (MGTOW), are red pillers predisposed to the same kind of issues discussed in the above research? Are red pillers wired in a way that makes them disinterested in others and thus disconnected from others and social cues that would make them able to normally connect (compared to normal children who are frequently monitoring, engaging, and thus learning from their social environment)?

Did society, parents really mislead red pillers (as they claim), or were they born not wired to connect socially well enough to understand people, how to connect (rendering them unsuccessful at relationships and mating compared to their peers). Red pillers clearly desire to game women for sex but don't seem to really care about, value connecting to women as fellow humans or about their welfare (often even being antagonistic to the welfare of women). The seem to seek in red pill mechanistic formulas that will allow them to gain sexual gratification, which seems very much like preferring an inanimate red ball view of the world rather than a real time interactive human connection view of the world.

This begs the question, would it not be for the emergence of their sex drives, would red pillers have any interest in women? For red pillers that would have no interest in women, minus sex, how much do you value male friendship? How important has male friendship been for you presently and historically?

Are there any red pillers that were highly socially adept/aware/interested growing up? Red pillers that really connected with others (male and female peers) and valued that connection with others? If so, what drew you to red pill? Do you feel like you are atypical for a red piller?