Just as the title states. When you look at the corollary to many modern feminist assertions, claims, and legal justifications, there is simply no way to not arrive at the logical conclusion that women are lagging behind men in mental capacity and emotional control; an observation often associated with children.

For instance:

  • "Yes Means Yes" requires men to obtain vocal, orated consent to sex, otherwise it is not consent and therefore rape. The corollary to that idea is that, despite all of the assertions to the contrary, women actually are not more in tune to different forms of communication as men are. As we all know, most sexual communication of desire is non-verbal and not overt. YMY asserts that women cannot understand or communicate non-verbally.

  • Similarly, as has been discussed in recent days, is that when two drunk people have sex, only the man is assumed to have any agency in the encounter, and if the woman regrets it the next day, it is the man who must answer for his actions in the encounter, but never the woman. The corollary to this is that, absent a strong Patriarchy to protect women not only from sex-motivated men, but also their own bad decisions, women will literally do things that are self-destructive. Maybe there was a good reason daddy gave his little angel a curfew and hid a shotgun behind the door to enforce it on those deviant horny boys.

  • The fact that women have access to scholarships and educational grants that are not available to men is a tacit admission that they cannot compete with men on an equal, level playing field and legal and financial resources must be tilted in their favor. Women today outnumber men in college graduation rates; this is not because women suddenly became geniuses over the last 30 years, it happened because it's been socially engineered that way.

  • And finally, the "Pussy Pass". Women receive 60% shorter prison sentences than men who commit the same crime. This corollary to this fact is a tacit admission that women who commit illegal and sometimes atrocious acts cannot and should not be held to an equal level of responsibility or agency as men. There is another group of people who receive lighter jail sentences than adult men for committing the same crimes: children.
