This would either be done by manipulating the small penis genes on a fetus, or perhaps more easily, identifying the fetus that will have a smaller penis for abortion, and raising the average penis size that way.

I know most people will look at this eugenics as inherently bad, but I can see a lot of benefit for both men and women on this.

Right now, women are able to get boob jobs and labiaplasty for a confidence boost. You would be giving men the same confidence boost. There's a reason society equates big penis = confidence. The kind of praise and adoration that big penises get, it only makes sense that that would result in confidence.

Right now, at best, a small penises are openly mocked and ridiculed. And not just in porn, I've seen anti-fat shaming advocates happily small penis shaming. Like it or not, this is a very normal and acceptable form of body shaming, it's cruel, mean-spirited and drives a lot of the crippling insecurity that you see about it.

The kindest thing you could do for men is to allow them to have the kind of penis size that's praised and adored by women.

Some expected counter points:

BUT LESBIANS EXIST: Some might say that it's okay for men to have small penises because lesbians have sex without penises. But although lesbian women are happy enough without the male appendage in their lives, the straight women that men will be having sex generally do want penis-in-vagina sex as a part of their sex lives, even if they don't orgasm from it, it's still pleasurable if the penis is big enough, and most would be disappointed to the point of dumping a man if he turned out to be below 4" in length and thin

WOMEN DON'T ORGASM FROM PIV EVEN WITH BIG PENISES: Try to think of the last time you heard of women saying she loves small penises. Not tolerate them, not just "use your finger/tongue", I mean positively love and desire a small penis? You can't! But I'll bet you're aware of how desirability of big penises from some women. Although size queens are not the majority, small penis lovers among women, unlike small breast lovers among men, are practically non-existent.